Saturday, March 26, 2011

The most common asthma symptoms

The most effective way of treatment for asthma is the timely intervention of it; it’s important to know the symptoms of asthma as it is a horrible thing but it’s important for your good health. Generally asthma symptoms include: feeling difficulty in breathing, a tight feeling in chest, coughing, out of breath, having a cough for long time can be sometimes the only symptom. The most frequent symptom of asthma is having problems in inhalation or not being capable to respire .wheezing is one of the important symptom but it’s not universal, in wheezing a person cannot breath properly when he breaths there’s a sound of whistle and he has to face difficulty in exhaling. Persons having some lungs disease also face the problem of wheezing; asthma is the frequent cause of persistent wheezing, a form of reactive airway disease. Coughing is one of the common symptoms of asthma which is very bad in the nights. This symptom is mostly visible with the other symptoms of asthma.

It’s difficult to diagnose asthma because the symptoms of asthma are mostly confused with the common cold and flu viruses. The person’s skin turns into bluish color which indicates the less oxygen supply in the body in this condition treatment is very crucial. Those symptoms which are described above are commonly seen in the patients of asthma but those are secondary symptoms the primary symptom is and the primary asthma symptom is feeling difficulty in the breathing which is due to the closeness of airways and its reaction is pain. Asthma is always a dangerous whether it is severe or mild. Breathing hasty is also one of the common symptoms. Asthma symptoms vary in there harshness from mild difficulty in breathing to the continuous wheezing while persons do use lots of medicines. The thing to be worried is that only 38% of parents are using the action plans in the home.

Mostly the reaction of asthma is, lung muscle tissue nearby the little inhalation tubes tightens; mucus manufacture in the cells inside layers the airways increases; and the bronchial walls swell up and become sore. The all symptoms described above are common symptoms seen in the patients but those are the secondary ones the primary symptom is the narrowness of the airway which causes difficulty in breathing. Taking some instant actions in the case of having symptoms of asthma leads towards the better health, the reactions to the symptoms decides about the someone’s life. To keep your asthma under control it’s good to consult some allergist who could give you some action plan, which will help you in deciding that when to change medicines and when you need some emergency help. An asthma plan consists of goals for asthma treatment and your health.


If you are having problem because of some environment irritants which cause you asthmatic problems the best way is that you avoid this kind of environment. It’s necessary that you take some medicines, treatment when you think that your asthma is getting poorer. It’s important to identify the symptoms of disease for cure.

1 comment:

  1. Here is the nice collection of Asthma symptoms. great explanation which can help in determining Asthma.

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