Saturday, March 26, 2011

The four symptoms of fake Anxiety Attacks

If you have suffered from any anxiety attacks, then you must be aware that there are different symptoms of anxiety attacks which are affecting your body; these attacks can be of breathing or a strong chest pain, at one stage you might also feel that “I am dying”. Many symptoms of anxiety attacks are also fake, that is they are not up to the level of the problem you are experiencing. Let's have a look at why this is so. Difficulty in breathing is the most common symptom of anxiety attack. It is most popular due to the fact that many people experience this symptom. Then you feel that you can’t breathe easily.

To tackle with this situation is that if you are feeling such situation then don’t panic and realize that this is just part of an anxiety attack and you will not die with it. The reduction in your breath is just only the part of your anxiety attack you are experiencing. This feeling will help you regain control on your breathing. You could experience another anxiety attack symptom if you are in a crowded area; i.e. becoming lightheaded. This is because of you might have phobia of being in crowd. This is not a major problem; it’s only a part of the anxiety attack. So don’t panic and overcome this problem. If you are in an attack then your heart beat will increase. Don’t think that you will have a heart attack, its only the symptom of anxiety attack so don’t panic. The fear of losing control is another anxiety symptom winner. You also experience other symptoms, you start feeling nervous, when the symptoms are not relieving, and then you think that you have a problem.

You might feel that you can’t overcome this problem, as your symptoms are not reducing, and then you feel that you are losing control. You start to feel fear and guess what? Your fear will increase all the other symptoms. The bottom line is that the major anxiety symptoms are the result of lighter anxiety symptoms and your mind games. So clearly the previous four symptoms are "fake" symptoms. But this does not mean they do not exist. They're real, however the as you'll try to solve them, you will feel more anxious, as they are the problems of lack of control and you can’t overcome it unless you believe in yourself. If you learn to control your anxiety then, you can easily manage to overcome this problem for the rest of your life.

There are four points to tackle with this situation: 1) Keep in mind that these big symptoms are a result of small starting problems. Keeping in mind what happened when you had the anxiety attack will help you control it. 2) Take immediate actions which will help you to regain control. 3) In the meanwhile, consult your physician and He can guide you if your anxiety attacks require a serious treatment or it can be handled with just a behavioral approach. 4) Learn to control your anxiety and it will help you to evaluate your problem


  1. Well, this was a good piece of information on fake anxiety attack. Thank you for this and keep on posting new things.

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  2. An anxiety attack episode always includes an experience of intense discomfort or fear as well as suddenly experiencing at least four of the following symptoms that reached a peak within a period of 10 minutes.
    With this specific list of symptoms of anxiety attacks, you should now have a much better sense of whether you have experienced one yourself.
    Take a look: symptoms of anxiety attack
