Saturday, March 26, 2011

Klonopin-Side Effects

The original medically used word for the drug is Clonazepam whereas it is usually known as Klonopin in United States. In another country named as Chile, this drug does not have good reputation and it referred as Ravotril. The side effects of Klonopin are expanded over a wide range starting from common and ending on extremely rare problems. We will do some effort to discuss as many side effects as possible in this article.

Common Side Effects:

The most common problem caused by Klonopin include sleepiness, decline in creative thinking ability, difficulty in decision making, partial retardation in memory(in chronological order, mostly from recent to old memories), irritating behavior, increase in aggression, psychomotor agitation, lack of attention and motivation, loss of interest in sexual intercourse and in some cases one can also difficulty in fabrication, loosening grip on body movements and parallel motor function, difficulty in coordinating, impaired balance, disequilibrium. There are also some other common problems such as increase in somnambulism which is commonly known as sleepwalking (To some patients, they have an history of such problems and this is not something that happens new to them, but to someone who has already had a history of sleepwalking and the drug has been prescribed to tackle that), hallucinations, most importantly the auditory ones, impaired memory, anterograde amnesia (usually occurs to those patients who have taken the high dose). Some other common side effects are also present which might occur to relatively small number of people. Many consumers of this drug have the problem of the sense of hangover. They sometimes feel sleepiness, may complain headaches, and are uncomfortable when they have to wake for a long time; this condition is particularly true for those patients who take medicine before going into bed. Usually the long term effects are dependent upon the potent nature of medicine.

Less Common Side effects:

Klopnopin cause some less common side effects including thrombocytopenia (decreasing the blood platelets), increased dysphoria (high level of frustration and anxiety), extremely dangerous side effects on brain and body (usually increase in the tendency of suicide), increment in seizures or in some cases person induct the seizure (not in regular patients), personality disorders in persons, and behavior changing in some cases.

Rare Side Effects:

Some rare side effects appeared by the use of Klonopin is alarming and if a person is experiencing those than ho must contact a doctor immediately and have proper treatment. These includes incontinence, psychosis, liver damage, extreme anger, contradictory behavioral problem, extreme adrenaline rush and excessive emotional swings. These symptoms should be considered cautiously and an immediate consultancy for medical practitioner should be arranged.

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