Saturday, March 26, 2011

Indication of Genital Herpes

Many People who face genital herpes may not show any sign of hint. In some cases you may observe minor symptoms that are usually interpreted differently, while in some cases one may experience severe problems. Genital herpes takes place in steps. When you are being hit by the virus, then it moves to the nerves center near the spinal cord. Then it come back to genital portion and appears after intervals of time.

First Phase:

The first phase starts within the two weeks of doing intercourse. Some patients show severe symptoms of herpes in this phase while other may face some mild symptoms during this phase. The main symptom is the appearance of bruises. One may observe the blisters filled with puss or fluid. These blisters erupt in ulcers in a span of some days and heal without the time period of one month. The most abundant portion where it appeared is: on the penis, vulva, thighs, near anus, and inside vagina. Usually women prove to be more severe victims of these symptoms as compared to men. If girls have blisters in the urethra, vagina or cervix they may interpret as something else. The symptoms of urethra may be considered as urinary tract infections. Yeast infection may be the suggestions for the original symptoms of vagina or cervix, if the discharge is also accompanied by it. A woman must consult a doctor if she faces these symptoms repeatedly to check that whether or not she is having herpes. Wrong interpretation could also be done in the case of males if they have blisters in urethra. One should be careful about this problem after he/she undergoes an unprotected sexual intercourse. During the first phase the person may suffer from headache and painful urination. Flu-like symptoms are also observed in some people in the first phase. Those people who experience mild symptoms may consider them as ringworms, rashes, insect bites, etc. People usually do not even know that they have herpes because those symptoms resolve in short interval of time.

Recurring Episodes:

Usually the recurring episodes have less intensity than the first episode. On the other hand some may have up to 8 episodes per year, while some may experience only one or two episodes. The recurrence is totally dependent upon the generation of herpes. Many factors generate herpes. One may get more recurrences if he/she is not careful enough. In further episodes the genital herpes may appear like: pimples, insect bites, ingrown hairs, etc. In anus hemorrhoids may also appear. In such condition medical consultancy is important. A person is having 3 to 4 episodes in a year is average. There is also a type in which a person may not see any symptoms but during this phase the person sheds the virus. This is known as asymptomatic shedding.

Pondrome Phase:

It is the early stage which indicates that disease attack is approaching. Some people may feel the itching or pain even before the activation of this disease. Within some days, blisters became visible in affected portion. This article is only for the purpose of knowledge and is not a substitute of medical advice. Before following any tip written in this article, patient must have to consult doctor. Otherwise the author will not be responsible for any damage.

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