It is normally induced from the symptoms of menopause that the vary phenomenon is actually happening which may and may not be the case. Majority of the women even of this modern age consider it as an alarming condition and get confused with the idea. Of course women with pre-matured mind handle it more effectively than of those who are not ready for it. In either case a very major and important fact is ignored that the menopause cannot occur until there is a gap of at least twelve months. Although there are cases of non-menopause even after that but they are in a very low probability. The probability that the symptoms of pre menopause are experienced by most of the women, who take them as menopause, is very high. The most predictable age for such symptoms is forty but there are many cases in which women were in their thirties.
Due to lack of sufficient knowledge there have been many instances in which people experienced some different biological activity and termed as menopause, which latter on appeared to be a thyroid disorder. These disorders are very similar to pre menopause as far as their symptoms are concerned. So in order to have an exact idea that in which situation you are, better consult your doctor for the actual truth. It will also help you to understand the situation and the effects that can disturb the body behavior.
To have a rough idea about the fact that when one will have such symptoms, consult your mother and grandmother. It is more likely that one will have these symptoms in the same period of age as one’s ancestors had unless and until there had been another biological or medical treatment issue. This is due to the genetic inheritance from one generation to the other.
There are many symptoms that can appear as a result of pre menopause. The appearance may vary body to boy depending on the different body behaviors and structures. But there are some very common symptoms that can be there on average. These are as under
1. The head sign of these symptoms is the change of the pattern in which menses occurs. If there had been non-predictable pattern such as period ends before normal time or prolong unexpectedly or does not appear at all for its turn then it is an alarm for the fore coming problem.
2. Another major symptom is the uncertainty and frustration in the mood that becomes a hurdle in the daily routine dealings and behavior. It is mostly due to improper sleep, anxiety or depression.
3. Corresponding to the improper sleep, a common issue is the hot flashes and night sweat. They become a hurdle in the proper sleeping patterns and due the change in sleeping behavior mood changes.
4. In most of the cases UTI increases due to the change in urinary conditions or other biological changes.
5. Weight is gained specially on the belly area that rings the alarm about the pre menopause symptoms.
6. The inner side of the vagina dries that makes it very hard to participate in the intercourse activity due to immense level of pain and reduction of sex drive. In many cases it creates problems in a woman’s sexual life and ultimate leads to many conflicts.
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