Menopause put different effects on different women. You cannot find two women who experienced it in the same manner. However, some females found it more difficult to experience the symptoms, in which they may have to go through irregular periods, sweating in night, hot flashes, rapid change in heartbeats, fatigue, inability to get sufficient sleep, stress, problem in muscles and joints, loss in memory, weakness and confusion in brain. Some of the above mentioned symptoms may appear during the phase just before menopause, which usually occur in thirties of woman’s age, but do not actually takes place until she cross the limit of forty. The unpleasantness of symptoms makes women more curious and they want to know that how long these symptoms would last.
Perimenopause Phase:
In this phase the symptoms of menopause starts to appear. This average period of sustaining of these symptoms is 10 years or more than that before the process of menopause took place completely. Originally, a decade is not a short period of life. These indications usually don’t become noticeable until the female pas the threshold of mid forties. At this stage, she somehow faces some annoying symptoms.
End of Menopause:
Phase A – If a full year passed and the female didn’t have menstrual period or spotting then it is said that menopause is finished for that woman. So it is clear that the symptoms of menopause could last from the phase of perimenopause till the deficiency of menstruation for a whole year. Fifty one is the average age to complete menopause for a woman but for some it may continue after the official end of menopause. Generally we can say that the symptoms of menopause will last more or less for years. It is also not necessary that these symptoms will always prove to be troublesome for a woman.
How can we determine the duration of menopause symptoms in a woman? It can be determined by many factors. The genetics of a woman, her tendencies of exercising and eating, level of stress, way of living and health can determine the duration of menopause symptoms to last. On the whole we can say that well cared and nourished women pass through this period with ease and menopause symptoms don’t usually bother them much. It is still dodgy that how long these symptoms would last but one thing is very clear, if a woman does not want to face the bothering symptoms of menopause, then she must take good care of herself. The time will not come back to their hand and if they do not took care of them now than they will regret in future because at that time she can do nothing but to face the unpleasantness of these symptoms.
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