Xenical is a very commonly prescribed medication for obese people. Roche markets this unique medicine, while orlistat is marketed by GlaxoSmithKline using the name of Alli. However there are certain considerations that must be kept in mind while using this medicine. In case of organic causes of obesity, sensitivity to any component of Xenical or replacing it with some other beneficial medicine, diet or exercise program; this medicine should not be prescribed at all.
The working scheme of Xenical depends on its most significant ingredient-orlistat. This component is a kind of lipid inhibitor and it acts on the stomach and small intestine of the human body. In these areas, Xenical affects the functionality of gastric as well as pancreatic lipases and deprive them of their ability to breakdown the fats. Consequently, these fats are not utilized and are excreted out of the body.
As Xenical affects only the gastrointestinal track, therefore, all the after effects are also experienced only by this portion of the body. Accumulation and release of gases from the digestive system, pain in the abdomen and release of oily stools are some of the minor after effects of consuming this substance. Frequent bowel movements and diarrhea also occur in this case. If you are also suffering from type II diabetes; then Xenical intake will result in hypoglycemia as well as abdominal bloating. Problems linked with chest, menstrual cycle, urination, rectal discomfort and anxiety are also very common in this regard.
Major side effects are very rare i.e. they occur less frequently as compared to the minor after effects. One major problem that may arise through Xenical intake is of rectal bleeding. Similarly the person may also suffer from an irritating pancreas, a condition known as pancreatitis. Sometimes in the human body, certain pouches are formed outside the colon. These are called the diverticula. If such a person consumes Xenical, the diverticula start irritating and are severely damaged. In the same, if a person is already suffering from some disease of Kidneys and he uses this medicine, kidney stones are very likely to occur in this case. Gallstones, skin problems and infections in enzymes of the liver are certain other major after effects of using Xenical.
Even though it is true that these major problems occur very rarely, however if any one of them occurs you must consult an appropriate doctor at once. Otherwise the situation can also get severe and more damaging for you. But you must be ready to have the minor side effects as they will occur no matter how hard you try for them to not occur. In short, before you start using this medicine you must be clearly aware of all the types of side effects associated with it. Moreover, you must also be clear regarding the levels of severity of these after effects so as to keep them within a narrow range.