Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Side effects of Ancient Chinese Medicines

Most of the people think that the conventional Chinese medicines are anti poison. Media revealed that a young farmer in Sichuan Xu Yongxian by joint pain, served Youyi were given four Strychnine (6 grams), few hours after poisoning. Strychnine is a very poisonous conventional Chinese medicine. Some people are familiar with these traditional Chinese medicines.

Liushen is another toxic medicine which has very adverse effects and it includes some components of realgar. Some kids use it for curing prickly heat and parents give this drug to their children. There are some cases of death of the children because of this drug. Few years back media took the allergies caused by Radix as very normal.

A common disease Acute Pyelonphritis is found in pregnant women during late pregnancy, the body temperature gets high. According to the western views “the role of fast will affect the fetus” and “the role of slow, but very safe”. As an indecisive and delayed treatment, it results in the premature birth of the child. In addition to the above mentioned side effects, another toxic herbal medicine is Ming Ling Shi Zhen in the “Compendium of material Medica” which is a detailed description of various herbs. Based on their toxicity several drugs were termed as ”great drugs”, “small toxic” and “toxic”. The Chinese doctors are very cautious in using these drugs. Through the Pharmacologist mastered methods the toxic side effects of these Chinese herbal are much more than listed. These herbs have side effects on the stomach, liver, kidney and other organs of the body. These side effects are very severe. Tripterygium films are dangerous for the kidneys and to the patient. Decocotion is the treatment of both components.

These substances are very dangerous and are converted by the liver into smaller granules and then they are excreted which increase the liver-kidney burden. The use of ancient Chinese medicines is very common in Clinical usage. But, they also have adverse affects. These medicines include cough syrups, some of them are Ephedrine, Eustoma composition. Their excessive dosage will result in vomiting. Long term or over dosage can cause nausea, reduction in appetite, and will also increase disease. Many people are aware of toxic side effects of western medicines and their side effects can’t be ignored. The role of strong anti-bacterial drug as in the early stage of animal experiments can cause fetal cartilage damage. It is written on the manual that “Pregnant women and children should not use”. Though the instruction manual in many Chinese patent medicines, the drug side effects content, is often a blank; and civil repeated the baseless assertion, forming a big misunderstanding in the usage which can cause various diseases.

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