Sunday, October 31, 2010

TV & People

Recently, when volcano erupts in Iceland, television becomes one of the most effective ways of communicating information through broadcasting the event live. The value of television even goes farther when its other importance on broadening people’s horizon is considered. Television as already stated is easy means of visual communication to know events and news throughout the world. Similarly, television also acts as a good teacher as it becomes easier for the people to learn through it than form books. Likewise, It is one of the most used –easy means of- entertainment. Hence, television has great role on broadening people’s horizon than its any other use.

Television is one of the easiest and reliable means of communication and sharing information. Although two way communications are not possible through television, television provides one of the easiest ways to transfer message from one place to the other. Any kind of information it broadcasts among people is reliable because it broadcasts visuals along with message and news. It obviously becomes one of the good proofs when people can see what they hear. Most of the other time, people can enjoy the information about different places, cultures, countries and different activities around the world. One recent study shows that people of all age prefer television for news because it is not boring to watch things. Therefore, television is one of the best and easiest reliable communicator to communicate news, activities around the world broadening the people’s horizon of knowledge.

Similarly, television is also one of the good teachers for people. When people see things, its videos and pictures leave great impact on mind. As a result it becomes easy for viewers to learn things more easily than reading books. ‘A picture paints thousand words’ is an old saying. That is why most schools and college prefer audio visual classes at least once in a week. Small students can learn alphabets on television. The life cycle of different plants and animals broadcasted by television channels as Discovery and animal planet becomes good source of knowledge for thousand of viewers. Housewife can learn different recipe of food items. So, every people can learn more easily though television because of visuals and pictures it broadcasts along with its information. And that has been an important aspect to broaden the people’s horizon.

Likewise, the use of television on viewing entertaining programs has made it the good source of entertainment. The use of television is not limited on viewing news and information but has also been extended to entertainment. One American study shows that there are more televisions than bathrooms in an average American’s house. This shows the popularity of television. Entertainments through television include viewing dance programs, song videos and movies. Some also use it on playing video games. Furthermore television is widely used invention to pass the leisure time viewing varieties of programs through television channels. Thus, the use of television on entertainment can never be neglected as a major way to broaden the people’s horizon.

However if television teaches good things it can also teach bad attitudes and behaviors. Most of the teenagers copy the attitudes as smoking and drug activities through television shows. Video games played on television are mostly responsible for poor performance of students. But again this does not show the negative attitudes of television but shows the carelessness of viewers associated with television. Excessive is everything is bad. Therefore, it is not television that harms people rather it is careless behavior.

Hence the use of television on different sectors have made it good source of knowledge. People are always learning through television. It does not matter how it broadens the horizons of knowledge whether entertaining people or giving information but the hand of television on widening the knowledge is very important.

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