Sunday, October 31, 2010


Globalization: Pros and Cons

Globalization is not just coming together and the integration of people; it is more likely the integration of ideas and cultural values. Obviously, the effects of globalization in Nepal range from good to bad in different aspects. Telecommunication, culture and education are some of the important fields that have been mostly benefitted due to globalization. But the negative effects of globalization as fast food chain, job insecurity and increased risk of terrorism are mostly affecting my country as other in today’s globalized world. In fact, it is difficult to analyze globalization from only one side and as other country globalization has affected my country and its citizen in both ways.

The first and important positive effect of globalization is on communication field. The easy communication all over Nepal has made Nepalese people able to talk at any time with their relatives even at geographically difficult places where there is no possibility through any means. Internet facility has made people able to send and receive message at any time. Communication through internet has made people able to transfer messages with very low cost. In fact, even poor Nepalese people can transfer message with each other. So communication is one of the important positive sides of globalization.

Similarly, cultural flaws of Nepal are deleted to some extent due to globalization. The process of sharing cultural ideas and values as cooking style, dress up, language and even art forms have removed the superstitious belief to maximum extent. Dowry system and evaluating people through the cast are two examples that are reduced in most of the places in Nepal. It is the influence of western culture in Nepal and due to increasing literacy rate. Women mortality rate is also decreasing which used to be mostly because of internal familial conflicts.

Likewise, education is another field that is being mostly benefitted because of globalization. Yearly more than 20% of Nepalese students go to foreign countries for higher education. This is has made students able to achieve higher education more easily. Even different foreign institutes and boards as CIE are providing international level of education in Nepal. So analyzing the positive side education is important field.

However, the danger of terrorism is also increasing because of this global process. Since, Nepal is developing country and there is a not danger of terrorism compared to other country as India, Pakistan and China. But again this kind of activity as threatening people and bomb blasting in public areas are frequently heard. It is mainly because of easy accesses form other country to Nepal.

In list of negative effect, increasing rate of fast food chain is another main affects. People are leaving traditional Nepali foods as popcorn because in increasing fast food chain. KFC and Mac Donald are common examples that are affecting the traditional foods of Nepal. Foods as “Dhido” are being replaced because of such culture. Nepalese citizen is being unhealthier compared to Nepalese ancestors. One recent study done by ‘Himal’ Magazine shows that 17 different new diseases have spread in Kathmandu in last 50 years. Recent technological means have also been able to cure some of the diseases in Nepal as leprosy among people however there is still main danger of spreading disease among citizen. For example, Bird flu and Swan flu are two diseases that threaten Nepalese people for long time. So, globalization has also main danger of spreading diseases which significantly affects lifestyle.

In conclusion, Globalization has major effect on Nepalese life style in today’s context. It has significantly affected the way people communicate, eat foods, think and live. Globalization is tool that should benefit all aspects of mankind and one cannot ignore its negative sides. All these sides must be addressed for peace and prosperity.

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